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Monday, July 19, 2010

Words from Rambo to his Human 

What were horses made to do? 
To live within a herd—
To eat, to play, to race about, 
To speak without a word.

What were horses made to love?
Sweet grass, good friends, and space—
The pleasure of good company,
a playful game of chase.

If I had been a wild horse,
I would have led a band; 
Been kicked and bitten here and there,
But gained the upper hand. 

I’m glad I’m tame, and wasn’t born
To rove for rugged miles—
A lonely life it would have been, 
Without your human smile. 

You help me as a good friend should, 
You groom my tender parts,
You take me out to stretch my legs
You love my good, brave heart.

A Morgan is a horse, it’s true,
Unmatched for strength and brains—
Throw hybrid vigor in, you get
A horse was born to reign.

I’m special, friend, I know I am—
I’m bold and smart and strong—
But you, dear one, complete my herd, 
It’s here that you belong. 

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