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Saturday, July 17, 2010

What Your Poems Paid For

The x-rays, as pictured below, were rather a great deal cleaner looking in person, but they give you a general sense. The hock, as pictured below, is feeling like a million bucks! For the first time in two weeks, I am taking my first steps in the morning without hesitation. I am also being VERY sensible, continuing to walk sedately, in a calm and mature fashion, around the paddock despite my reduced swelling. No coltish hijinks—I promised FarmWife.

The bill—notice the sedation, which was just a formality to prevent my shifting about. Unlike my last trip to the vet, this one passed with impeccably mulish dignity on my part. I couldn't have been more of a gentleman, nor better liked. 


  1. Yeah! I am so glad you are more comfortable! the photos of the area post treatment and 24/48 look marvelous! Glad you are feeling better.

    You're a good mule, Fenway B. Remind FarmWife of that often, in case she forgets ;~) Most every equine would be sedated if one is planning to stick a needle into a joint, because as you can imagine, that is a bad time to decide to move. You sound like you handled yourself with decorum. Well done!

  2. Fenny,
    Good thing for everybody that Farmwife is smart enough to love you so well.

  3. Boy, those darn bills sure do add up fast... thank you for the potent reminder of why I do not have my very own equine, or even a guinea pig (in addition to my beloved doggie). :-( I'm so glad you had this work done, though, and that Our Friend Fenway is already feeling much better!


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!