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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I am not the only cutie pie blogger out there

Here is a little list, selected at random, except for Shaeffer* and Parsley* who are my e-friends.

Here is a cute border terrier blogger:
*Here is a cute donkey blogger:
Here is a cute politician dog blogger:
*Here is a cute minimule blogger:
Here is a cute French bulldog blogger:

Now, my friends—do you know of any blogging cattle? Blogging goats? Blogging Australian Cattle Dogs or Irish Wolfhounds? Blogging Staffies or blogging Drafties? What is your (other) favorite blogging animal? Inquiring minds want to know.

Your friend,


  1. Sheaffer is my fren too Fenway! So is Beasley the Wonderhorse. Thats about all I know of!

    Your fren,

  2. Well, I must humbly suggest my very own dear dog, Pepper. I started this blog on her behalf to see if we could meet other Chihuahua-Scottie mix doggies, just for fun. It worked! I regularly get emails from folks that spotted her online and I am sometimes able to help with breed ID and questions about behavior, etc. Pepper is such a good girl.

  3. Ouch, Bonnie! You should have warned me that Pepper was painfully adorable!


  4. Thanks so much for the add, dear Fenny -- you've inspired me to return to the writing life after a brief hiatus.

  5. Thanks Fenny

    A blog I like is a dancing dog called Honey



Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!