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Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Good News

1) Aunt Erin carries sunflower seeds at all times.

2) The family reunion has resulted in inadequate refrigerator space; the result has been the removal of the carrots, which must be eaten (and quickly!). I have volunteered.

3) I have a new aunt. She is going to marry FarmWife's brother, and I am going to work hard on convincing the happy couple to wed at Bent Barrow Farm so that I can tow them around with my new harness. (If anyone sees a wicked good deal on an elegant carriage for such an occasion, let me know! If not, we will find a rustic alternative.)

The Bad News

1) The family is going away on an exciting day trip today. I am being left behind.

2) Dunewood O'Neil is growing up. It's not THAT bad, but it's the only other bad news I can think of.

Ears to you,


  1. Fen,

    Don't feel bad. A lot of us are stuck at home. You do have your turn-out area, with "greens" to pass the day. Maybe, a nap. Lucky mule!

  2. I AM NOT AND NEVER WILL;Peter Pan am I.
    Fenway, I am surprised you would make such an egregious error!


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!