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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dr. Ratchet, here we come!

I, my friends, am going to the vet!

OK, OK, I'm not QUITE as excited as all that (after all, vets mean needles), but FarmWife is beside herself with joy, relief and gratitude. It does give me a bit of a boost to see her mood so dramatically lifted! She is absolutely beside herself with appreciation for you, my good and generous fans, whose contributions and poetry orders have made all the difference! FarmWife has been spared the difficult, "where did the mortgage money go?" conversation with hubby, and I have been spared a dangerous delay in getting my lameness diagnosed.

To those of you who have ordered a poem, thank you so much! I can't wait to get my creative juices going! It may, due to volume, be a week or more before you see my masterpieces in your inboxes. Don't worry—quality takes time! Thanks, in the meantime, for your patience.

I will be on the phone with the vet today. "BraaaasshheeeeeeehoohhhaaaaaaSeeeAAAHHHH!," I will say, and then I will pass the phone to FarmWife who will say, "may we please have your earliest appointment?"

You will be the first to see my x-rays, boring though we hope they may be! Cross your hooves for me, and give yourselves a pat on the back, too.

Ohhh, that looks uncomfortable. Uncross. Unpat.

I do love you so!

Fenway Bartholomule


  1. OH No - not the VET! Wow - Farmwife must be very worried to load you in the trailer and take you to the vet. Me and mom sure hope its nothing too serious. Will say a prayer for you Fenway!

    Your fren,

  2. Hope its nothing serious and there's an easy remedy.

  3. Well I have been waiting all day for a report on the trip to the vet - so are you ok?????

    Your Fren,

  4. Saying prayers for you, dear Fenway! And if you need to borrow Harriet's $10 for the poem about Bebe I don't mind!


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!