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Sunday, July 18, 2010

How Now, Brown Cow?

You know, of course, that Holstein cows produce skim milk, that Brown Swiss cows produce chocolate milk, and that red Milking Shorthorn cows produce strawberry milk. What you may not know is that Jersey cows produce melted ice cream—but only for a kiss! This is Dahlia, whom FarmWife has been babysitting, and who gives rather sloppy kisses in comparison to my velvety ones. What she lacks in finesse, however, she makes up for in doe-eyed beauty: Look at those big ol' peepers!

I am feeling like a million bucks since my cortisone injection last week, but FarmWife will not humor my desire to carry her to the cowfield. I sit home alone in obligatory rest, but happy in the knowledge that she will come home to me—smelling of cow breath, but so glad to see me. I may not produce delicious beverages, but I am still and forever her best and favorite.



  1. oh if I could feed a Jersey bananas and get ice cream in return


    I halter broke a jersey calf for the Zoo in Seattle. She was the sweetest creature I ever trained to lead.

  2. Jersey's are sweet cows. So glad you are feeling better Fenway, be a patient patient now.


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