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Monday, July 19, 2010

The Carrots

This is the thinnings from our carrot patch. Not the HARVEST, mind you, but the THINNINGS—the too-crowded, over-packed, gotta-make-room-for-the-best-ones EXTRA carrots. 

This spells trouble, if you ask me. Leave the best carrots in the ground another week or two and you will end up with waste; woody, stringy, bitter carrots that aren't fit for a goat. 

Harvest them today, I say! Harvest them, and I will eat them, and there will be no waste. They will be appreciated—no, adored! They will be loved as carrots deserve to be loved, with brayful and lipsmacking fullness of committed sensitivity to their palatable delights. They will be elevated to a new status, consigned to immortality in my memory of their delectable toothsomeness. They will go down in the annals of history as the best carrots in the entire world, the pinnacle achievement of man, the reason apes descended from the trees and the chief objective of the ancient hunter-gatherers-turned-agriculturalists. Dig all that you've sown and give them to me. I will do your harvest honor, I say to FarmWife. 

You, she says, must have only a couple. You, she says, are fat. We mustn't, she says, throw you into some sort of insulin-resistant coma.

Even BFFs sometimes disagree. 



  1. Those are great looking carrots! And beets! Wow!

  2. Fenny,
    Your carrot rant is music to my ears. Do you know that I planted a row of Nantes Half-Longs for my own beloved, my non-mulish (in that he is a horse) cherished sweetheart, Spot? and that he wouldn't eat the greens? wouldn't touch them at all?
    I would have FedExed Spottie's carrot greens to you had I known of your need, with thanks and a tip of the fly mask from a Morgan-Paint cross jumper who doesn't always know what's good to eat.

  3. Lucky you Fenway - mom planted carrots a couple of months ago and we have yet to see even something green sprout from the dirt - she must have done it wrong :(

    Your fren

  4. I must agree with you, Fen. Carrots will never be the source of dire consequences. Mom is growing hundreds of apples for me and my siblings and friends, but they must be doled out more carefully, as their sugar content is higher.
    Kisses to your adorable cow friend!
    I am chanting for continued and permanent hock recovery for you.

    Your friend,

  5. I never took to carrots, personally. But now Mrs. Pastures cookies? THEY are why the apes descended, I'm telling you!



Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!