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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We All Have Our Frumpy Days

We all have our frumpy days. I'm not having one today, as it happens . . . today I am feeling as fit as a fiddle and as lovely as the day . . . but they happen. Even to me, mulish and splendiferous me.

FarmWife is feeling OK today, but over the weekend she wasn't herself. Too many fatty foods . . . and the outcome? Pimples! You humans and your mysterious maladies. Me, I handle overfeeding better . . . I just get fat deposits above my tail.

FarmWife is back to her old self today, but in anticipation of her next Frumpy Day I thought I'd assemble this little 5-point plan for feeling beautiful. Here's my advice:

1) Get dressed up. If you are human, put on some earrings and a swishy skirt. If you're an equine, arrange to be curried and don your dressiest sheet. It's hard to feel frumpy in a sassy outfit!

2) Do something active. If you've just slogged up a mountain, you're entitled to feel grubby.

3) Groom a mule. Once you've donned all HIS dust and mud and shed hair, your own wee zit and limp ponytail will be the least of your worries.

4) Eat more vegetables. FarmWife, at least, never feels less beautiful than when she's just eaten a half-dozen donuts and a plate of alfredo pasta. Being less of an easykeeper than myself, it's not so much that she gains weight . . . rather, she gains a feeling of general unthriftiness that simply MUST be shed.

5) Remember, tomorrow is a new day, and you are BEAUTIFUL.


  1. This is to FW: I have a zipper-style incision in my chest because of some stupid surgery and I have to feel nice today somehow. I am putting on an outfit and going to the races. Wish I could take you along! Oh, I have to credit Fenway for reminding me to wear cute earrings.

  2. Oh that is fantastic!! I am feeling like a real "Peter Frumpton" today, truth be told, and I have taken your advice to heart. Many thanks and ear rubs!


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