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Monday, July 12, 2010

The sun is shining, the broodmarshmallows are out . . .

It's been a beautiful week in Wickersham, and the hay farmers have finally had their window of opportunity! Make hay while the sun shines, indeed! Everyone has, and there is not an unmown field remaining in the South Fork Valley. I recently enjoyed the arrival of 60 bales of dry, clean local hay, birthed by a gray pickup I had never met. It's fragrant, weed-free, and good enough for the pleasantly-plump set, especially since the Volvo hay-mother has been producing stemmy first-cutting orchard grass hay. Just as well, I suppose. I have come to believe that Jasper Jules and I do tend towards fatter-than-healthy, and Missy the dairy doe already takes her alfalfa rations in solitude.

The other good thing about this new hay batch—we paid $1.50 per bale! Yikes! This makes me one affordable eater!

Along with summer and haying come the mama marshmallows. They've been turned out to graze until autumn, when they'll birth large litters of edible offspring.

Finally, solid news about the vet: I am going at 10 am on Wednesday. I should have news for you by midweek!



  1. Wow, very jealous of your hay! We pay $5-$8 per bale, and the second cuttings have failed here on the east coast...

    Good luck at the torture chamber, I mean veterinarians office Fenway. Hoping for the best possible outcome for you - hooves crossed ;)

  2. Don't giant marshmallows mean giant s'mores soon to follow? I'll bring the chocolate and graham crackers!

  3. In the high desert, above Palm Springs, Ca you would pay $13 a bale. Down from $15. Enjoy!


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