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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm not the only wet mule

It turns out I am not the only wet mule in the world. There have been many wettening incidents across the country and I learned today that the humans have been aware of terrible flooding for some time now. I think they shelter me from these things because I am a gentle soul, but they also forget that I have the Power of the Muleness in me. 

Fugly blogged today on the subject of the flooding disaster in Tennessee, and included footage of horses being rescued from the flood. This is good. The rescuers have Muleness. Follow Fugly for updates on opportunities for charitable giving.

I am huddling in my shed, winter blanket on, hay before me. I am grateful for these things.


This, by the way, is a link to the most awesomely swimmyish album art that I, Fenway Bartholomule, have ever seen. I have not had the privilege of listening to its music. 


  1. Cheer up dear Fenway, at least you are not up to your knees and hocks, or, heaven forbid, your nose in water. As you know, mules do not melt. And the grass of your non-sacrifice paddock will be that much tastier for the rain.


  2. "This, by the way, is a link to the most awesomely swimmyish album art that I, Fenway Bartholomule, have ever seen. I have not had the privilege of listening to its music."
    AdBlock plus removes the image, but not (of course) your text. The text part of the ad remains in the e-mails.

  3. Beate, thanks for the encouragement. I am cheerier today, having been let out for a bit of exercise. Anonymous, I'm sorry if I typed words of an advertising nature . . . what I had intended was that you should all see the neat picture, which I have found in non-ad format and placed elsewhere on a newer post for your enjoyment. No purchase required.


  4. Jaybird was all tickled by the snow sleet hail thunder and varied other weather effects of Monday. To say our ride was snort-filled is an understatement.

    Out came the blanket.

    Yesterday was more reasonable, just thunder rain with less embellishments.

    Stay high and dry, 60's forecasted for the weekend.

    The good part is all this rain and snow means enough snow-pack for the hay ( and other) crops in eastern WA> Yakima valleys projected reserves went from 70% to over 100% in April. Totally unexpected.

  5. My dinner train comes from Eastern Washington . . . thank you, April showers!



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