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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Harness Fund Update

On the advice of a friendly reader, I have created this handy graphic for those of you interested in the progress of my harness fund. I'm saving up for a Comfy Fit beta breastcollar-style harness from Chimacum Tack, though tips on alternative synthetic harnesses and/or second-hand sources are welcome. Click THE GIFT for further details, or to help color the mule and make FarmWife's birthday wishes come true!


  1. Well now, what a terrific idea! I'd like to see this mule colored in at least up to his ass by June 1st Fenway!

  2. Susan, I couldn't agree more!

    Your shiny friend,

  3. What I great idea! Very cute graphic!

  4. Well hey now, I've gladly made my humble donation to help Fenway purchase FarmWife's birthday present...I consider it a small token of thanks for the pleasure I receive by reading the delightful musings of FB & FW. I appreciate their effort and the creativity of Fenway's special gift with words. I look forward to reading more stories...

  5. yup, me too. thanks for being so eloquent, Santa Cruz. You said it! :) (if I could write like FarmWife this would be a much better comment!)

  6. You're all very kind! I'm a lucky, lucky mule.



Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!