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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Guest blogger FarmWife on the subject of Mules.

The Mule

For soulful eyes and tuneful bray—
for strength to go and sense to stay—
for more work done per ounce of hay—
for this we thank the mule.

For shouldering a heavy load
or brightening the weary road—
for friendship and affection showed—
for this we thank the mule.

His earnest voice and noble air,
his fleetness, given by a mare,
his cleverness without compare—
for this we thank the mule.

The strength of yonder handsome jack
passed to his sons' and daughters' backs.
No person happiness shall lack
who truly loves a mule.

His greeting in the morning dew
rings out when loved beast welcomes you.
There's no mistaking trust so true!
There's no friend like a mule.

No feeling have I ever had
which matches that for my brown lad.
No mother mare nor donkey dad
can beat Bartholomule.

The best of both down to his core,
his heart is gold, his hoofsteps sure.
He's all I ever dreamed and more—
Fenway Bartholomule.


  1. Oh, I love the brought tears to my eyes!! I'm a new follower from Fugly...looks like I'll be sticking around :)

  2. Christy, welcome . . . and thank you. Tears of joy are a common side effect of Muleness. Please do stay, we love new friends.


  3. That is beautiful! It should be set to music! Each line could be syncopated with a bray!

  4. Fenway, Thank you for writing this blog. I've been following you for a few weeks and your posts never fail to brighten up my day! You may have me converted from my first love (quarter horses)....maybe a cross would make a handsome mule....

  5. Anon, thanks . . . I think there's a very good chance that my mother was a quarter horse. I AM cowy! You might find a Wonder of Nature like me from the right mare and jack!

    Sjoen, thanks . . . everything's better to music.


  6. Le sigh....everyone should have a Fenway! :)

  7. What a great poem; misty eyed here, too..


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!