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Friday, May 14, 2010

Celebrity Crush

These links to a rising star in the mule world, Grace, were drawn to my attention by a nice COTH reader who thought I might be looking to make a "celebrity connection," if you will. (Wink, wink . . . and yes, mules CAN wink and we DO.) Now, I am loyal to Katie Scarlett 100%. I am a guy with a good girlfriend, and I am good to her. I send her e-cards. I write her songs.

That said . . . this Amazing Grace chick is HOT. I can like Grace the way a human man might like Zooey Deschanel. From afar, with admiration. Oh, and there's Pants. She's the Friend Ladymule. We pal around, but Katie holds my heart.

So, Katie, my darling, bear with me here. I'm still all yours. 

Here's Grace on the today show, where she demonstrates her slobbery kissing technique. Katie's got more of the sensuous lips thing going for her, but Grace gets points for a bold approach! 

Here's an article about Grace starring alongside Robert Duvall. Apparently, the man was impressed with her intelligence, character, and talent. That's mules for you! 

I just hope Rob D. there keeps his hands off my Katie.

Your enamored friend,

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