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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Art Appreciation

Surely you know by now that I am A) interested in becoming a driving mule, B) resting my swollen hock, and C) able to appreciate fine art. FarmWife reads me picture books from the bookmobile when our back issues of Dressage Today and Mules and More run out, and this week she happened upon a gem without knowing what she was grabbing!

Pennies in a Jar, written by Dori Chaconas, is unique for the quality of its illustrations. Artist Ted Lewin paints beautifully the street horses of World War II America, and while there are no mules in the book I was able to study the detailed and accurate harness and enjoy the beautifully rendered draft animals.

A Google search reveals that Ted Lewin also illustrated the cover of FarmWife's very favorite novel of childhood, Jean Slaughter Doty's The Monday Horses, as well as additional book covers and picture books.

If I had opposable thumbs, I might set myself to painting. It runs in my adopted family; FarmWife's paternal grandparents were both talented visual artists, and she and her husband and children enjoy drawing and painting mules. (Above, see young D's rendering of a cloven-hooved Fenway observing goldfish in a crystal blue stream).

Having no thumbs, I'll leave it to the experts. Ted Lewin, thank you for the work you do. If you need a mule model, let me know!

Your friend,

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