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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Guest Blogger 5: "A story about Candy Mae Mule"

Dear Fenway...I know you are looking for some stories while your transcriptionist is busy. So, here is a story about me, Candy Mae Mule! I was born in Idaho, lived in Montana and am now semi retired in Florida. I lead a fine life in a big green pasture with my other equine and bovine friends. My friend Leslie rides me when it isnt too hot or buggy, which amounts to about 6 months a year. She never asks me to move too fast down the trail or ford raging rivers (there aren't any here in Florida), but we have good times anyhow! I am a Delta Society Pet Partner visiting people in nursing homes, Hospice’s and rehab centers. I am especially good at this job, knowing just who needs my touch. I enjoy making people smile, bringing them some happiness. I am one of only two mules in the country to be a Pet Partner and Leslie is very proud of me. I even have my own Facebook page with many friends. Not as many as you, of course! Ah, it’s a great mule life!! 

Bye for now, Candy Mae Mule

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