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Friday, April 9, 2010

Sung to the tune of "Good Day Sunshine" by the Beatles

Good day FarmWife 
Good day FarmWife
Good day FarmWife

You want to ride, and when the sun is out
You tack up and then we ride about
I feel good, in a special way
I'm on the trails and it's a sunny day

Good day FarmWife
Good day FarmWife
Good day FarmWife 

We take a walk, the sun is shining down
I've got boots and they touch the ground

Good day FarmWife 
Good day FarmWife 
Good day FarmWife 

Then I graze beneath a shady tree
I love you and you're patting me
You feel good, I'm what you're looking for
You're so proud to know that I am yours

Good day FarmWife 
Good day FarmWife 
Good day FarmWife 
Good day FarmWife 
Good day FarmWife 
Good day FarmWife 
Good day FarmWife 
Good day FarmWife  


Really, folks, I have plenty to say. I'll be blogging on the subjects of precipitous slopes, jeopardized trail systems, exciting purchasing opportunities, and cute baby animals soon enough. Today, though, the weather is gorgeous and the computer is an unwelcome friend. FarmWife owes me a pass of her curry comb, as we've just finished a lovely ride, and the garden beckons too.



  1. make sure FW leaves your lovely hair for the birds and the nests they are building

  2. It has been beautiful around here too. Much to nice to sit on the computer! :)


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!