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Thursday, April 1, 2010

New Poll!

The results of my last poll showed that the majority of my readers are recreational english riders, with nearly half (47%) being trail riders and over a quarter (26%) being equines who indulge in Sunbathing and Carrot Chomping. With a healthy percentage of dressage, eventing and recreational western riders and a handful of representatives from other disciplines, my readership is as interesting and multitalented as me, Fenway Bartholomule.

Today, I'd like to ask, "What would you LIKE to do?" Tell me your fantasies. As for me and FarmWife, we both want to dabble in Working Equitation and Mule Agility, and FarmWife wants to study dressage and driving as well as endurance riding and foxhunting (drag, please! We're vegetarians!).

Fenway Bartholomule


  1. When I was in college, I was active in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association as a hunt seat rider. When I used up my eligibility, I competed as an Alumni rider. At one show, they recruited me to fill the Alumni Reining class. It was my second time ever riding in a western saddle.

    I was totally hooked. I had the good fortune at a couple of shows to ride REAL reiners. Holy moly.

  2. I am really loving driving! I just drove a team today and it was such a hoot! I have a mini to drive, I have visions of a donkey team dancing in my head, and am looking up draft harness on line! My first love is dressage though . . . lucky for me there is driven dressage!

  3. about pony unicycle driving:

  4. Meaghan, FarmWife dreams of trying reining on a QH who knows what he's doing. Beth, she dreams of driving with ME . . . . not that I know what I'M doing, but I think I could learn. And Little Big Red, I think neither FarmWife nor I have the coordination for what you've proposed. More power to those who do, though!


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!