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Monday, April 19, 2010

69th annual International Plow Match

Katy and Patti, a team of riding/driving mules, put in a good showing at the 69th annual International Plow Match in Lynden in Whatcom county, Washington this weekend. I was not able to go along, being too large for the Volvo, but my five human representatives went and reported that the event was a great success. As the only longeared team competing, the diminutive sorrel mare mules kept their wits about them despite the explosive antics of some of the younger teams. A pair of grey Percherons had a bit of a moment when a line snapped and spooked the team, but there were no injuries or further mishaps during the day. 

My contingent was there early, and missed the judging and winners' announcements. Results, unfortunately, have been hard to come by—most of these hard working farmers are probably too busy plowing their own plots to post online updates about the contest winners—but the mule team, in for their seventh year, expected to do a very fair job. Not a small aspiration, since the team came in a good foot shorter and a shy ton lighter than most of the other entrants! The 20 year old gals were an island of calm in the hubub of early plowing, and their first row was a vision of beauty. 

Also present was this grulla miniature mule, pictured with our larval humans (and a rainbow umbrella). She appeared to have forgotten her harness at home. I would guess that she would have struggled to plow the loamy soil, given her stature, but it was nice that she made an appearance, at least. 


  1. How is a plowing contest judged? Straightness of the furrow? Depth? Is time a factor somehow?

  2. Oh I am sorry I missed this. I went once before many years ago


    For your edification, Meaghan, and my own.

  4. Wow! What an event! That looks like so much fun, hope to go next year!

    from Marie


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