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Thursday, April 15, 2010

FenBar's June and July Itinerary

In case any of you loyal and devoted fans want to make the schlepp to Skagit County, Washington this spring, I wanted to announce that FarmWife's 31st birthday will be celebrated at the Cowboy Campsite in Lyman on the weekend of June 5-6th. Those who attended last year will recall that this is actually a chance to celebrate me, Fenway Bartholomule, with such things as mule-themed cakes, mule rides, and mule talk.

The following weekend, June 11th, FarmWife and I will be back at the campsite for some serious trail riding action . . . you see, her dear husband is taking the larval humans away for a visit to his ancestral home. FarmWife and I would have liked to have gone along, but they really ding the 800-pounds-and-over set for extra seat room in coach and we simply haven't the means to fly first class. Perhaps another time.

That particular week will be packed with fun at home: FarmWife weedwhacking, FarmWife mending fences, FarmWife riding me, Fenway Bartholomule, at every opportunity, FarmWife taking me camping and taking me walking and taking me some little snacks every hour on the hour.

In early July, we shall have the Descent of the Pitneys, during which my various human aunts, uncles and cousins will drive in from all points for a weekend of backyard camping, kiddie mule rides, and campfire singalongs. I can't wait to amaze them with my new rendition of Kumbayah! I was particularly excited about the s'mores opportunity until FarmWife told me about gelatin, but I remain enthused about the graham cracker components.

In late July, a Visitation of Texans will occur. These are the best Texans ever, in my humble opinion, and they will bring with them a darling toddler of the sort that I like best—adventurous, animal-loving, and primed for a mule ride! I hope he brings his helmet, or that FarmWife can find one to fit him. The Father Texan is a hard-working and mulish man of tremendous endurance, and last time he visited he practically single-handedly turned our overgrown plum thicket into a comfortable pasture addition. He is a Helpful Relative. His wife, too, is a Very Best Texan, known far and wide for her generosity and kindness. In that way, she too is mulish. She will be most welcome in my paddock, and I cannot wait to greet her with my resounding bray.

Also in late July, FarmWife and FarmHusband will be taking the larval and weanling humans to see the Red Sox play at . . . Safeco Field in Seattle?? Really, what are they thinking? Fenway Park has got to be the best thing about the Red Sox, and if they can't enjoy the game in the presence of the Big Green Monster then I'm really not sure that they'll enjoy it at all. Of course, I'll be with them in spirit if not in practice—their own little bit of Fenway.

Fen Bar


  1. You are a busy mule!!! I hope that you have a wonderful time. Love the new background. Very springy!


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