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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Some Days You Feel Like a Gallop, Some Days You Don't.

To celebrate my 400th facebook fan, I, Fenway Bartholomule, have endeavored to provide you with a glimpse of my rambunctious frolicsomeness. Unfortunately, Dear FarmWife has never had the camera handy during my most spectacular performances. She is a good owner, but she is not perfect.

The result, dear fans, is that we have ended up resorting to drastic measures: I have performed the Frolic against my will, and I have moved briskly when I would have lingered. You can say that this is a failure in my commitment to you (and FarmWife says that is is not even really a gallop, but more of a reluctant canter). For any disappointment I have caused, I beg forgiveness.

Most of you, however, will note that I am a sinewy bit of equine eye candy, and that even my reluctant canter screams of potent athleticism and coiled strength. I think this movie will give you something to smile at.



  1. Fenway Bartholomule, did I imagine it or did you perform a magnificent flying lead change at around 0.03?

  2. Keep it up Fenway! i love your blog! from the Queen of Oklolo Ranch in OK! Morgans, TWH and a donkey named Jezzabel (I'm sure you'd fall in love with her!)

  3. Beautiful Fenway! Us owners are a bit funny sometimes and have strange requests. :)

  4. Fenway, you have a terrific floating trot.

  5. Fenway I just found your blog two days ago. I love it and cannot get enough of your musings!I I was wondering, your name a tribute to farmwife's New Englad years?

  6. Scratch that last question, dear Fenway. I read back a ways and saw the post about your name :)

  7. Fenway, you never disappoint. I could watch you all day.

  8. Fenway, you look like you would be so comfortable to ride. I just told my fiance that instead of a horse, I want a mule. :-) Beautiful flying lead change.

  9. Thank you all for the wonderful comments! Yes, Pants, I often perform lovely flying lead changes at liberty. I just hope FarmWife doesn't notice, because that is certainly not something I want to undertake too often with her gangliness upon me!

    Jenn, congrats on your engagement to be married. Your intended will thank you one day when he realizes that mules are typically cheaper to feed! I know that our FarmHusband is glad the horse is gone!

  10. Fenway, you are a fine piece of equine (half) ass!


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!