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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Gift of the Decade

Contributions for the gift of the decade are being accepted via Paypal, with utmost thanks from the bottom of my capacious and noble heart.  Strike that—our fundraising goal was met this Tuesday the 29th of June. You guys are AMAZING! 

I do not say "the gift of the decade" because it will be the most special, friends (although it may), but because I am estimating ten years' time to save the necessary cash. I will be 25 in ten years; FarmWife will be nearly 41. That's a fine time to learn to drive.

You see, dear readers, it's like this: FarmWife has a birthday coming up. Since she is my very best friend, I want to make it special. I want to give her more than my affectionate feelings, my hearty greetings, my shed fur and my nuzzles. I want to get her a nice harness from Chimacum tack, along with the promise of my attention and labor during driving lessons. It will be all sorts of fun.

The harness that I want to surprise her with will run me 675 dollars after a generous discount from Chimacum Tack, supporters of the Muleness. I'm well on my way—I have a shiny dime set aside! Now, I've installed a Paypal button here on my blog, and I'm accepting donations towards my goal. Every penny counts, and even the smallest donation will be gratefully accepted.

FarmWife's birthday is in June. This gives me roughly a generous month to save for her 31st birthday, but I'm not afraid of that deadline. FarmWife will enjoy the gift of a harness for her 32nd birthday, or her 33rd, just as well. We'll get there when we get there, one dime at a time. When it comes to saving, there's no time like the present to begin!

Readers, you may remember that I had a Paypal button on this site in February for contributions to the veterinary care of Amigo, the impaled Arabian. Such donations are still being accepted by his owners. Anyone wishing to donate to Amigo's treatment can do so though Paypal by using Kara's email for the account: 

Now, on a less imploring subject, tell me—what was your favorite gift ever? FarmWife has to say that I, Fenway Bartholomule, was the best. I was given to her by her mother, as an alternative to Prozac when FarmWife was depressed. I worked like a charm!! Her other favorite gift ever was her minimule Harriet, given to her by her loving husband Matthew. Longeared pets are the key to a woman's heart, it seems! 

As for me, I've received several wonderful things—for Christmas, a selenium-enriched salt block. It weighed 50 pounds then, and now it weighs about 49.9976 pounds. It will last ages, if sheltered from the rain. It is the gift that keeps on giving. 



  1. Hey Fenway,

    I just want you to know that I have been enjoying your blog for a few months and I also thought that I'd share with you a website I have just found. I have two miniature mules of my own (Imp {Impulse Buy}and Stanley {Stanley Steamer}) and I am finding this site helpful in understanding their language. Mini mules communicate a lot with their ears which is wonderful since the only thing cuter than their noses are their ears, excepting you of course. :)

    I hope you have a good night and a wonderful day.


  2. Dear Cynthia,

    FarmWife says that Impulse Buy is a tremendously wonderful name and she wishes she had thought of it. Stanley Steamer is a nice name, too. I had a near miss with the name "Ferris Muler." Whew! Close shave.

    Thanks for writing! We will check out that site post-haste.

  3. I like how the mule in this photo could almost be me, Pants the Mule!

  4. Fenway,
    You'd better decide if you need to lose weight before measurement for The Gift. The tally is rising - I don't think it will be long before you'll be hauling your beloved Farm Wife around in style! So get over your fear of MEDUSA and get ready to really shine!


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!