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Saturday, December 24, 2011

The tree

Clover has appeared with a report on the state of the human dining room, wherein there sits a noble fir.

Beneath the tree, she reports having seen several dozen wrapped parcels, one big box of canned cat food, and a diagram of a very attractive mule shed.

Beside the tree, she noted the presence of a big ol' sack of black oil sunflower seeds and a giant round dog bed.

Upon the tree, she spied a great multitude of decor items, including thingamajiggies of wood, glass, paper, plastic, and porcelain and strings of mouse-sized lamps.

As for incredible edibles, Clover says the seeds are labeled for Missy, B.G., and the chickens but that Santa is due tonight. We both recall that he always leaves candy canes and carrots on the tree.

I am going to stand by my manger, watch for a new star in the sky, and keep my eyes peeled for airborne ungulates tonight.

Muley Christmas,

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