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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

At least SOMEONE'S riding me!

FarmWife has slacked off a bit on her "ride the mule whenever possible" pledge. In fact, she's been so busy with work, family, and life that we've hardly gotten out at all! Still, I get tacked up and ridden at least a couple of times a week. Little R, you see, has inherited something of her mother's passion for the equestrian life.

The young equestrian with her muddy charge.

See that smile? You have me to thank! 
A few choice quotes:

"Fenway is the handsomest and best mewel in all the world."

"Fenway is just a big loveable lumpkin."

"Mama? Do you think Oona and Sierra would mind if Fenway was also my best friend?"

"Mr. Barfolomewel is the best on the whole planet Earf."

"Why can't Fenway come in? I want to cuddle him in my bed."

And that, girls and boys, is how you make a mule feel loved.


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Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!