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Friday, December 2, 2011

Second Annual Caroling Party

You are cordially invited to attend 

Fenway Bartholomule's 
Second Annual Muletide Caroling Party

in Wickersham, Washington
on the afternoon of Sunday,
December 18th at 1 PM. 

Bring hats, mittens, scarves, your most festive seasonal outfit, and a snack or drink to share after the caroling if you so desire. This will be an outdoor activity. I'll be decked out in sleigh bells, garlands, and a fuzzy red hat! Dino, last year's co-host (a.k.a. the Rental Reindeer) is sending a small emissary in the form of Jack Jack, the world's cutest mini. Additional well-behaved and leashed pets are invited. 

My FarmWife will provide copies of a few common Christmas carols, but after last year she realized we'd better practice in advance. Come bray with us on the afternoon of Sunday, December 11th at 4 pm for a rehearsal at our home. This will be an indoor activity, and I'll sit it out. I am already an expert singer. 

If you have a favorite carol, please email a copy of the lyrics to FarmWife poste haste! Otherwise, she's going to stick to common, upbeat tunes. The slow, ranging ones were a bit disastrous last year, and this is coming from a guy who sounds like a cross between a peacock and a dying woman. 

Muletide greetings to you and yours! 


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