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Friday, February 25, 2011

Talkin' bout the weather

This week would have been an unprecedented opportunity for FarmWife, had the weather been different: She had a sitter and/or an at-home husband lined up for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, AND Friday! She could have gotten five—nay, six! rides in this week, had she also planned to make use of the weekend. In the end, though, we've chosen to stay in. The weather is the culprit.

Do they make Yaktrax for equines? Last time FarmWife and I went riding during a cold, snowy period, the ice-packed tire tracks on our local roads and pathways made walking unsafe. FarmWife led me towards the trailhead, and I slipped, slid, and generally proceeded in a halting fashion. We decided to turn back, for safety's and comfort's sake, before FarmWife had even had a chance to mount up. This week, we're not even going to try it.

Now, fluffy new snow is another matter. Slush? No biggy, and rain certainly doesn't stop us. It's ICE we don't like, and there's plenty of it in Wickersham today.

I'm warm(ish) and safe in my paddock today, and FarmWife is passing the afternoon at the fireside. There's always next week, and there's always the hope that this miracle of babysitter alignment will occur again. In the meantime, I shall ring for some cocoa and try to enjoy the beautiful sparkliness of this cold, cold day.

Stay warm,


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