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Monday, February 28, 2011

Stupid Weasel

Apparently Punxsutawney Phil was wrong.

After a really smashing January (blue skies, warm temps) we're back in the pits of winter, and today the goats and I are up to our knobbly little knees in slushy muck. I have, however, a set of solutions to suggest!

A) The community of Wickersham should pool their resources and install an indoor riding arena in front of the Little Brown Chapel, which is this town's closest thing to a community center. It doesn't matter if I am one of Wickersham's only equines—I am happy to give rides to everybody.

B) The owners of the Lake Whatcom Railway, who own a great many miles of scenic, flat train railroad throughout the dense forests of Acme and Sedro-Woolley, should retire their antique steam engine and pull up their tracks. The result would be a lovely, well-graded, tree-covered, quick-draining trail upon which we Wickershamians could ride in even the wettest weather. Second best thing? No more 7 am wakeup calls from the engineer and his train whistle.

C) FarmHusband should enlarge the front door to permit me to enter the living room. He is a carpenter. It shouldn't be hard.

D) We should trade Missy, B.G., and Jasper Jules in on some fluffy sheep or, at the least, a Poitou donkey and an angora goat. My Saanens are cold bedfellows.

E) Five last words: triple tall soy caramel latte.



  1. After an absolutely horrid January, February was 3 degrees above normal. And so far March is looking about normal. Mom sez we might be able to ride outside this week. Maybe Phil's predictions are only good for PA.


  2. March is coming in like lamb and that scares me. :)

  3. FenBar, some crafty individual should knit you a wool blanket, to keep your sissy side warm. It doesn't get cold, there. Try a winter at your namesake, Fenway Park.

  4. ...and, I second what Laura wrote. March is coming in like a lamb, that could mean it leaves like a lion. Yikes!


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