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Thursday, February 17, 2011

It turns out that I was not actually the first famous animal of Bent Barrow Farm.

A few weeks ago, our friend the Chicken Lady picked up a three year-old magazine from the library's giveaway bin. It featured a Skagit Valley goat farm from which Missy had originated, and so she brought it back to Wickersham for FarmWife's edification and amusement. Imagine FarmWife's surprise when she recognized not only the farmer but also her goat—Missy, in fact, pictured on the cover eating her former mistress's earrings! 

Missy is a particularly special goat, and was beloved to her breeder. Her breeder sold her to us with the understanding that she'd be a cherished family pet, which of course she has been and shall remain. We are happy to keep in touch with Missy's breeder, and she is happy to hear that Missy is well.

B.G. and Jasper Jules, as you may remember, were both born here at Bent Barrow Farm. We love them all, and each is as unique as can be. They are easy to understand, as each has just one wish in life.

B.G. spends her days wondering why she was not born a human, and wishing she could live in the house. She worships the humans, and loves them, and baas to them whenever they appear.

Missy spends her days wondering why she was not born a goddess, and wishing she could dominate all life on earth. She worships her sense of authority, and reigns over us all, and hackles at everyone smaller than her.

Jasper Jules spends his days wondering "huh?" and "what?"

Because Jasper Jules has never had a clearly defined question in mind, he has never found an answer. He spends his life in a constant state of confusion, surprise, amazement, and startled curiosity. He is not brave enough to research the matters that confuse him, but not dull enough to ignore them. He lives in constant naive wonderment, and will be forever young.

Fen Bar


  1. Missy sounds like quite the character. I am quite partial to goats anyway.

  2. What a fortunate discovery! I love stories like this and there is deep significance here. Now, Fenway Bartholomule, if only you could tell us your story.


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