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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Black Ruby

I'm going to share a link today to, a blog which "explores the bond between equines and their people." I love the inclusiveness of that statement, which allows for mule, donkey, hinny, mini, and regular ol' horse love.

When I read the heading "wrecked" at the top of a blog page full of racing photos, my stomach turned. Thankfully, this is not a Ruffian/Barbaro/Eight Belles story! This is the story of a fast, healthy, and cherished mare mule, and let's all hope she stays that way.

Thanks, fan A., for sending me the link—and for reminding us all that mules can fly.


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful molly mule! There are several nice dressage mules out there as well! LOVE the floppy ears!


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