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Friday, February 4, 2011

Match the nickname to the animal

Sweet Peas

These are the quadrupeds of Bent Barrow Farm:

1) Jasper Jules
2) Fenway Bartholomule
3) Missy
4) B
5) Paisley
6) Townes
7) B.G.
8) Clover
9) Desmond
10) Harriet

These are some of our nicknames, in no particular order: (We have lots of nicknames—here, we've listed one per animal.)

A) Mundo
B) Sweet Pea
C) Shug
D) Weasel
E) Mama
F) Fluff McPuffleson
G) Hungry Hungry Hippo
H) Giles
I) Wownzie
J) Reena

Give it a try! Match 'em up! It'll be fun. I'll even give you a hint.

Ears to you,
Fenny "hungry boy" Bartholomule

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