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Monday, May 2, 2011

A new paint job

I think my trailer is about due for a new paint job. I've got it all planned out (although I sort of want it to be yellow . . . and FarmWife sort of wants it to be white). What do you think? 


Before (HOT, and I don't mean smokin'!)
After: a nice, traditional white with silver or gray stripe. Text optional.

After: an eyecatching yellow. Text optional. 


  1. I definitely vote for a bright sunny yellow to match your disposition Fenway :)

  2. I send in a strong vote for yellow and with the text included! Definitely include the text!

  3. Yellow with the text. Really think it is what Fenway deserves. And it's allllll about Fenway!

  4. Yellow with text - no doubt about it. Love "Here Comes Fenway" across the front!!

  5. I vote for white with text. Sorry, Fenway.
    Go, FarmWife!!

  6. I like white, Fen!! But make sure you include that text!!!!

  7. I agree with Minus Pride, Fenway, but a Mule can can change his mind. It's only paint. Remember not to decide is a decision too!

  8. Yellow for sure - when people would see it - they would want to know who is in that beautiful trailer - and people who knew would say - Oh thats Fenway Barthlomule! I don't even have a trailer - got an extra?

    Your fren,


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!