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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving thanks

Every fourth Thursday in November I stop and count my blessings, and this one is no exception. I've encountered such generosity this year that I have no shortage of thanks to offer, today and always. While I can't possibly fit every gratitude on the page without overwhelming your patience and your available time, I did compose this little verse which summarizes just a few of my many thanks owed:

Thank you, FarmWife, for the hay,
Thank you, goats, for company,
Thanks, FarmHusband, for this shed,
Thank you, Earth, for room to stand.
Thank you, readers, for your praise,
Thank you, neighbors, for your waves.
Thank you, pasture, for the grass,
Thank you, children, for your pats.
Thank you for my harness, fans,
Thank you for my trailer, Gran.
Thank you, hooves, for holding me,
Thank you, fur, for warming me,
Thank you, ears, for gracing me,
Thank you, world, for cradling me,
Thank you, fans, for postcards, for the letters, for the art,
Thank you for the sharing—for the giving—for your hearts.
Thank you, friends, for reading—for believing—for your love.
I bray for you, I bray for you—it's love that I bray of.

1 comment:

  1. A big, hearty bray from Philadelphia, home of mulish brotherly love!


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