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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Our First Poll Has Closed

An ample majority of you, my dear readers, preferred that there be As Many Honorary Mules as there are Deserving Individuals. I think that makes five—HHM Mr. Blondie, HHM Rolling Blackout, HHM Echo Doppler, HHM Hank Melendez, and HHM Whizard's Baby Doll—so far. Have I got that right? They all exhibit the traits of good judgement, good character, good looks, and good intellect that define the Muleness. They possess, at least to some extent, the Calmly Inquisitive Nature, the Tolerant Attitude, the Supreme Trustworthiness (keep working, Mr. Blondie!), or the Astounding Vocal Range of the mule.

If you, dear reader, know of other deserving individuals who possess these qualities of Muleness, or the additional qualities of Intrepid Adventuresomeness, Cooperative Spirit, or Breathtaking Beauty, please let me know. The world needs more Mules.

In the meantime, enjoy our new poll.

Fenway Bartholomule

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