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Monday, April 9, 2012

A better day

1: this photo was not actually taken today. It was taken two winters ago.
2: FarmWife did a really bad job of photoshopping out the power lines.
Forgive me on both counts. 
Whether it's the nicer footing (hello, sun!) or the MSM (goodbye, loading doses!), my hock is looking a bit better today. Bray for my continued improvement.

Days like this make a mule happy to be alive! The sun is shining, the trough is shimmering, the chooks are stirring up the compost like nobody's business, and the goats and rabbits are sunbathing in their respective paddocks. The only bad thing that happened today was that FarmWife drove 20 miles (round trip) to buy a bale of hay, and when she got it home she found that it was profoundly and deeply moldy. She is rather annoyed, since it was not a cheap bale. (The goat food—alfalfa—costs $19.99 a bale plus tax. The mule food—grass hay—costs $1.50 a bale, straight out of the field. Another reason I am the best, but I don't need to get into that now.)

Tomorrow, FarmWife will again drive 20 miles (round trip) for a fresh bale. This time, she'll inspect it. What's that you humans say? Once burned, shame on them?


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