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Friday, April 20, 2012

A goodly day

Robin does many things "goodly," and is free with her compliments when she catches others doing things goodly too. I cook goodly, for instance. Her father builds goodly, and Fenway brays goodly for his breakfast. The grass grows goodly in April in these parts! I love the word, and wish to see it in our common lexicon.

Here's my litany of excuses regarding this blog: First, I've been busy enjoying the company of 38 chickens, four ducks, and the regular roster of mammal companions. (Luckily, 20 of the fowl are leaving tomorrow and six others are old enough to kick off any day now.) I think a dozen poultry fit nicely on Bent Barrow Farm. Three dozen is simply ridiculous.

Second, I've been busy with work and family. Next weekend, I go to Monterey, CA to have a truly spectacular time at the Timber Framers Guild conference. Nowhere in the world will you find a nicer bunch of people (and registrations are still being accepted over at Of course, the weeks and months leading up to a conference are always full of things to do, and this season has been no exception. We are close to the finish line.

On the subject of family: thank you, Auntie Hannah, for visiting Bent Barrow Farm! We loved seeing you. The children have suggested that we turn our shop attic into a luxurious apartment, complete with kitchen and bathroom, "so that Auntie and Uncle can get away when we fuss but still be nearby." Sounds like a plan to me—now, to get you a jet plane so that you can keep your East Coast jobs.

Third, I've been sulking a bit since Fenway's hock rendered him permanently lame. Since this is supposed to be a blog about happiness, I haven't been much in the mood for blogging! I have a new exciting prospect on the horizon, though: in May, we're getting a 33" miniature mule who can be Fenway's companion in his retirement and a good friend to me and the children. Who knows—perhaps we'll train her to drive!

Spring has sprung, the grass is exploding, and I have a happy song in my heart again. There's so much to be glad about.

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