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Thursday, March 1, 2012

A home for every horse . . . or mule.

Pure Thoughts Horse Rescue
Liz Lamont Images
Edited to add that an astute reader has pointed out the link between this program and the pro-slaughter agenda, which is a lesson for all of us. Thoroughly investigating the charitable and progressive organizations to which we belong or contribute is vitally important. I, for one, will NOT be supporting or endorsing the Unwanted Horse Coalition or any of their affiliated programs! 

Your concerned friend,

Original post:

Congratulations to Missy, the first "Home for Every Horse" adoptee. Missy, it turns out, is not a horse but a molly mule. She found a new home through's new rescued horse ad listings, a service offered as part of a cooperative effort of, the Equine Network, and The American Horse Council's Unwanted Horse Coalition.

The good side: Missy got a home!

The bad side: It's still unclear to me what this program, which is sponsored by Tractor Supply and Purina Mills, is doing for horses, or how it's helpful beyond providing another forum for free online ads. Doesn't Dreamhorse already offer free ads? Am I missing something?

Can any of you tell me more about the Unwanted Horse Coalition and what they're doing to effect change? I'm genuinely interested.


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