The bad news: FarmWife says pasture-rest only this summer, so there go my plans to camp in the Cascades, walk to Montana, visit the Chicken People in Tonasket, and go to a police horse clinic. FarmWife says we shall still have our time together and that we can still chat and play and have singalongs and that we will picnic under the maple trees in the back of my field.
Then: fat. Now: not so much. |
The good news: FarmWife says I am having my picture painted in oil on canvas by the eminently talented Shaila Tenorio of I am also officially no longer fat, which has resulted by some miracle from FarmWife switching me from two to four meals per day. She doesn't quite get it, but it's working for both of us. It might have something to do with the arrangement in my new barn, whereby the goat manger is harder than ever to steal from, but I can't tell FarmWife that—it would practically be an admission of guilt.
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