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Friday, March 16, 2012

The Fenway 50, #2

The last time I worked, I walked halfway up a little mountain and then walked down. I had a child upon my back. She walked the last quarter mile home, during which time it snowed. It was my retirement ride.

The last time I carried FarmWife was before halloween.

In other news, FarmWife has an itty bitty rental car this week which looks and handles like a Kitchenaid stand mixer. It's a Fiat 500 with a semi-automatic transmission that's like nothing she's ever seen. It's here in lieu of the F250, which has gone away to a new life plowing snow in Tonasket. We await the arrival of the ultimate soccermom-mobile in it's place: a minivan, upon which FarmWife promises to place a stickfigure family. Five people, two dogs, two goats, two cats, two bunnies, three ducks (joining our family in May), a rooster, a dozen hens, and a mule should just fit.


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