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Friday, July 22, 2011

Craigslist trauma of the day

Hey, look! You can have a "not neutured" horse with a hoof infection! He can "bearly" walk! (He can lumber along looking for berries and grubs?) What a deal. Oh, and he can breed with female horses. Yippee, skippee!

Now, pardon me while I remove my tongue from my cheek.

I hope this poor guy gets a good new home and a competent vet. He's actually handsome, and I'd accept him here at Bent Barrow Farm if I was in charge of deciding these things (I'm not). FarmWife wishes she could rescue and geld him.



This is my horse Cookie, I bought him a year ago. Hes only 8 to 9 years old. He has a hoof infection so he can bearly walk on gravel, but fine on dirt and grass. He's gentle with kids, he's not neutured so he can breed with female horses, and he's full Quarter Horse. The only reason I need to get sell him is becuase I have 2 new horses coming and I can't afford to feed too many at once. Call or text (360)-941-9111 I would love to sell him to a great owner.

  • Location: Mount Vernon
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
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