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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Me versus Cletus

For my Facebook friend Marolyn, who was asked to comment on my big butt and who gave this answer: "Get yourself an English saddle. Worked for Cletus. Makes you look manly and muscular."

Marolyn, there's chubby and then there's CHUBBY. I'm afraid I'm an all-caps kind of fatty. 

Thank you, however, for your kind suggestion! I'm an all-English, all the time mule (except that I do wear a bosal for most of my trail rides), and I wish more mules would try it. It's a very comfortable way to go! 

Ears to Cletus and ears to all our broad-in-the-beam buddies out there. 



  1. Maybe some topline/belly tucking exercises and stretches are in order! :)

  2. Fenway:

    I understand a bosal doesn't necessarily have a bit. Does that mean you're able to gargle with your bosal on?


    Bob Steinhardt

  3. Fenway:

    I understand a bosal doesn't necessarily have a bit. Does that mean you're able to gargle with your bosal on?


    Bob Steinhardt

  4. Fen, I think you have the mule version of a "muffin top", aka hay belly. Regardless, I still think you are the most handsome and manly mule I know of :)


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!