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Monday, August 16, 2010

From the Earchives . . .

This from an email we received this weekend:

"Greetings Everyone!


You've heard of a bake sale, well, we're having a flake sale! 

You can be a hero for just $10.00!!

We're trying to fill up a hay truck for SOS Equines. You can learn more about them at . SOS pulls slaughter bound horses from a feed lot near Kennewick, WA. They feed them, clean them up, and find homes for them. They do a great job. The reasons why we chose SOS this year are their excellent reputation, their financial transparency (no funny business like some rescues we hear about), and their fiscal responsibility.

Tom and Holly Clark, of Clark Farm in Sequim, have donated the first 20 bales! Let's fill up the truck - our goal is 100 bales and we're getting close. 

Please go to the website and click on the Fundraiser tab for the whole story and the most updated information on how close we are to our goal. There is also a list of other ways that you can help.

Every little bit makes a difference - please forward this to anyone you can think of that might be able to assist us or SOS Equines.

The single best thing about this "job" is the wonderful community that I work for - all of you. Let's pull together and fill this truck up!

Cheers, Ali McMahon 

Join us at"

And now, from the earchives . . . 


This could be the sport for me!

PeeWee level Test 1:

A    Enter under duress

X    Drift, slow, salute

       Proceed poky trot, rising

C   Spook left

E    Irregular polygon left 18-23m

Between K and A Haunches out of ring

B Careen left to centerline

C Halt, breathe, wipe brow

    Proceed, fussing jig

HXF Fussing jig, breaking to canter

F Disunited canter, either lead

Between A and F hand gallop; leap chain; exit arena

Ears to you,


  1. Thanks for starting my day with a hearty laugh Fenway!

  2. Oh, thank you thank you for posting my fundraiser! We're getting there, slowly but surely.

    Fenny darling, I can't wait to see your hooves. Tell FW I'll look forward to hearing from her.

    Cheers, Ali


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!