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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Poll

Dear Readers,

I understand that you, my loyal fans, are primarily interested in what I, Fenway Bartholomule, think. That said, I would like to understand YOU as well! To this end, I have established the first in a series of YOUcentric polls. Feel free to select multiple answers, and feel free to expand upon your answers with an explanation in the comments field of this post.

You must know that most of my exposure to the world outside of Bent Barrow Farm is through A) the Cowboy Campsite, where recreational trail riders abound, and B) FarmWife, who is an English rider through and through (despite her attachment of Western-influenced breeching to my Wintec Isabell). That said, I have relatively little exposure to the Western disciplines and have, consequently, offered only general selections on this subject. Feel free to suggest additions if your beloved discipline has been left off!

Finally, know that a "fantasy discipline" poll is coming up soon. It shall not ask, "what do you do?" but rather, "what do you want to do?" In that light, please answer this present poll with the disciplines in which you currently participate.

Your friend,
Fenway Bartholomule


  1. Other: Field hunting with a beagle pack (chasing jackrabbits - but most unsuccessfully, so Harriet need not worry about her relatives.)

  2. Oh, dear. Oh, dear oh dear oh dear. I, Fenway Bartholomule, have forgotten to list the preferred sport of one of my most dedicated fans and Honorary Mules! I do beg forgiveness.

  3. Dear Fenway Bartholomule,

    Does Horse/Rabbit Rescue Volunteer count as a discipline? I have not ever had the honor of knowing a Mule, but I volunteer, feed, groom, medicate old horses. I also volunteer as a house bunny foster/adoption/educator. I find myself drawn to Farm Animals. I love story or daily tells of life with the other furred and feathered members of your herd. Please continue telling your tells of the interesting life that you lead!
    Thank You

  4. I'm glad the SOMEONE thinks that carrot chomping/sunbathing is a sport! I better go practice. :D

    Moon: Queen of Carrots.

  5. Dear Jessica,
    Have you seen FarmWife's blog, Puddle Run? She could use a house rabbit educator. She is currently actively seeking a good clinic at which to have a rabbit affordably spayed. I cannot imagine why she would like to turn that cuddly, wonderful, fluffy little long-eared minature mule into something as dull as a shovel, but then who does understand the workings of the human mind?

  6. Spottie, the cutest Paint/Morgan cross ever, started out as an eventer but we moved to a place where the best trainer is a hunter-jumper guy. Now he wins in hunters and jumpers, but what he really likes is skijoring.

  7. Though I haven't the time or the money at the moment, my preferred equine activities occur in the hunter or equitation realm. These days, however, the occasional road ride or mosey around the yard is all I have time for.

  8. other: endurance riding!
    Karen W.

  9. I am rehabbing my QH from surgery. He is 3rd level dressage horse.

    After I get him going and into a new situation I am hanging up my spurs for a while.

    I am a nature nut and blogger . I hope to do some traveling over the next few years both here in Washington and abroad.

    I hope a new equid in need will wander into my life in the future.

  10. We've also done jumpers, hunters and open shows to stay fit in winter, and are considering getting into breed shows, now that we are both getting too old for competitive eventing. Did competitive Trail ONCE (funny story for another time.)

  11. It is good for me to hear of all of these exciting endeavors! I, Fenway Bartholomule, will make every attempt to make my next poll more inclusive.


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!