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Monday, March 1, 2010

What Other Explanation Can There Be?

I have the sinking feeling that FarmWife has been reading too much about Amigo, the horse who battled a tree, and has become nervous about the safety of her own hoofbeasts as a result. After all, what possible explanation can there be for the otherwise baffling erection of an outdoor surgical suite with overhead sling support here at Bent Barrow Farm?

While I'm flattered at her attempt at preparedness, there are two important facts that FarmWife appears to be missing. The first: I am unstoppable. Chances that I will suffer a severe injury requiring traction are virtually nil. Knock on wood. Second: if I am somehow incapacitated, we are not going to attempt some sort of do-it-yourself, economizing approach. I don't care if she is an aspiring nursing student and a frugal mother, I want to go to the large animal hospital at Pilchuck.

All that aside, I am flattered by the lengths to which she has gone, in commissioning her husband to build this construct for me. Knowing, as I do, that I will never need to use it, I don't mind at all that the larval humans have adopted it as their own personal centrifugal velocitators.

Now, about Amigo: Those who don't know his story can find it here. Amigo is a fighter, and is being cared for to the full extent of his doting FarmHusband's financial means, but his recovery is still far from certain and the bills are mounting. I, Fenway Bartholomule, would like to help, but I shook my piggy bank this morning and all I got out was a handful of haydust and two goat droppings.

Donations can be made through paypal to Amigo's family at, or here at Brays Of Our Lives. 100% of donations made via my own paypal button (Carrot Fund, on the right side of my website) will be forwarded to Amigo's family until further notice.

Until later, walk softly and look out for big sticks!


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