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Thursday, October 25, 2012


There's been some sadness hanging around here lately. FarmWife's friend Alexis ( died of cervical cancer on Tuesday after a fierce, nearly four-year battle. She leaves behind a loving husband and preschooler son.
Today, the vet is coming for B.G.'s end-of-life appointment.  We always expected her mother, Missy, to go first. Now it's B.G. who is in chronic pain from arthritis and laminitis, conditions which became apparent during her pregnancy and which were misdiagnosed twice before we finally got a clue. She is not well.

FarmWife is left with the difficult decision of whether to put Missy down too. On the one hoof, she's weak and crooked and thin despite a high calorie diet. She sees demons, butting her head and hackling at invisible invaders every day. FarmWife fears she will feel vulnerable if left alone. She is afraid of me, now, and terrified of my sweet Arrietty. 

On the other hoof, she's not declining. She's been a skinny, geriatric goat ever since her stroke (or whatever it was) two and a half years ago. She does not seem to be in decline, and maybe she could live a couple more years like this.

FarmWife made the appointment for both goats, thinking it's better to bring death a year too soon than a minute too late and fearing desperately that Missy, weak and alone without her daughter, would be afraid. Now, as the hour draws near, she is wavering.

Your thoughts are welcome.



  1. That's a real hard decision. So much loss this week, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Thinking of you today.

  2. Sending prayers to Farmwife. It is a most difficult decision to make. I do not envy her. If she fears Missy will be afraid, it might be best for her to leave this Earth with her beloved BG. That way they will always have each other. So sorry, Fen, for the loss of your friends and the loss of Farmwife's friend. I hope happiness is headed back into your lives soon.

  3. It is a boogeyman disease, it sounds like Alexis was valiant in the face of the cancer. It is a sad story and I feel sorrow for the loss of FarmWife's friend. For BG and Missy, it is truly a blessing to be able to give our beloved pets a peaceful, planned death when they are suffering. FarmWife's gift as a sensitive will assure "a year too soon [rather than] than a minute too late". We should all be so fortunate.

  4. Sending love and light across the miles. I wish peace to your hearts.


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!