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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

FarmWife is back!

FarmWife is back! She spent nearly a week in New Hampshire and Massachusetts enjoying the delightful company of her extended family, which includes a lot of people and a couple of cats but not a single mule. She came home, needless to say, in desperate need of a big furry mule hug. Arrietty and I provided eight hooves, four ears, four steaming nostrils, and a whole lot of fuzzy autumnal hairyness for the comfort of her lonesome soul. She is once again covered in hair, dust, hay, and straw—just like we like her.

Jason Rutledge,
FarmWife is desperately eager to enroll students in her upcoming workshop, "Restorative forestry through horse logging," scheduled for Thursday, October 18 from 8:30 am to 5 pm in Leesburg, Virginia. Enrollment is low and the session will be cancelled on Friday if something doesn't change between now and then. If you have ever wanted to learn to work draft horses in the woods, or to promote the long-term health of a forest through "tree gardening" and single-selection logging, this is an excellent chance to learn. Details about the session are available at and registration information is available at If you are someone with an interest in healthy ecosystems, I encourage you to attend. You need not be a logger or own a team to participate, learn, and boost your muleness through education!

Fenway Bartholomule

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