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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Memory Lane

If there's one good thing about a fried hard drive, it's that it gives a mule an excuse to look through his photo archives. There are certainly some "keepers" on this old computer, and thanks to to our external backup we have an opportunity to save them. 

Here's a favorite which I don't recall having shared—it's me, walking home, with FarmWife on a leash. (There are rules about that sort of thing, you know, and plus we don't want her running into traffic or starting a fight! I keep her close at hand.)

Here, witness me getting my ears rubbed by the oldest filly. She's nearly tall enough to do the job without stretching.

And here, you have a photo of me doing the very best thing . . . eating! As it happens, FarmWife was going for a shot of my haynet during this photo shoot. When I turned my head and looked back, however, FarmWife snapped "the" photo—the one that wins contests and graces my header, business cards, and notecards. Funny how that happens sometimes. 

I hope you keep your photos safe, my friends, and go back to them from time to time. It's fun to remember the shinier seasons. 



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