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Monday, April 18, 2011

I owe ewe


You may recall that I spooked at a sheep a couple of weeks ago, and while I'm tempted to leave the past alone I felt I ought to share (with permission, of course) this comforting bit of encouragement from my Wyoming friends, the ewes of Wind River Woolens. The ewes sent me a most REMARKABLE gift—something emboldening which they grew for me themselves when they saw I could not grow it on my own. I will show it to you soon. In the meantime, here is a part of our conversation: 

Dear Fen,

We girls got quite a chuckle out of your story.  Little did we realize what a gentle creature ewe really are.  We, on the other hand, cannot be mistaken for fearless in as much as we face numerous threats every day.  Just yesterday a whirlwind came through and whisked away our youth and tomorrow we must remain fearless for the mind boggling task of caring for two, or perhaps three, young-uns. We have praciticed our moves 'til they are perfected. We are known for our chasing of cars, naughty children, our guard dog, and the UPS Man. Soon, when the young-uns baa, we will begin to put the run on the neighbors and even the nice lady who puts out the feed.  It is all a matter of being a bully.  Ewe need some help in this area and we are here to help.  We know what ewe need, and it will be on the way on Monday.  In the meantime have no fear.  Practice it. Say—I HAVE NO FEAR.  This will be our little secret. Help is on the way!  We luv ewe!
Your friends,

The Wyoming girls

Dear Wyoming Girls,

Please accept my sincere apologies for doubting the character of one of your brethren. If only the sheep of Wickersham had been as fresh, clean, and well tended as yourselves, I should surely never have been led astray as to their intentions. The sheep that I encountered last week had recently come from a wild and brambly existence, and were not in remotely the sort of aesthetically pleasing condition that ewe must find yourselves in. They have recently been improved through the shearing efforts of their humans, and no longer mask their kind demeanors and delicate beauty under oppressive coats of wool. 

I have no fear—I have no fear—I have no fear. I shall remember to recite it ten times before breakfast and ten before dinner, as well as in times of need (when, for instance, I encounter my next unfamiliar ungulate). 

Ears and big neck scratches to all of you! 


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