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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A New Sponsor—Welcome Nicker Stickers!

Anine at Nicker Stickers is friendly, creative, and full of mulish good will. She's also the world's best vendor of customizable, unique mule decals! I fell head over heels for her products at first sight, and FarmWife rather fancies them too. We just had to approach Anine about advertising with Brays Of Our Lives, which she's graciously agreed to do.

The stickers at Nicker Stickers are great for mule lovers, but they're not just for mule lovers. There are stickers for cat people, stickers for goat people, stickers for cow people, stickers for horse people—every breed, discipline, sport, or philosophy you can think of. If you love an animal, you'll find the perfect sticker for you.

We've added Nicker Stickers to our list of Kind Sponsors (see link at right), and I hope you'll agree that they are worth every kind word I've brayed about them. We're going to get some very special stickers in the new year, and you should too!

Ears to you,

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