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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

An Important Request from a Friend of the Muleness

I, Fenway Bartholomule, couldn't have said it better myself—so I'll just cut and paste. This is a GREAT cause, for some GREAT horses, and you would be doing them a GREAT favor if you voted daily throughout September. A MULISH favor, even. 

Ears to you, 

Please help Camelot Therapeutic Horsemanship get this grant!

You can vote once a day throughout the month of September - it will take less than a minute a day, and you can make a difference!

To provide a pasture for the Camelot therapy horses
To allow the horses to stretch their legs and roll in the dirt
To allow the horses to relax outside of their stalls
To give the horses more freedom of movement
To provide a permanent living location for retired horses

The pasture will be just that, a pasture. It will be a place for all of the therapy horses to have area to stretch their legs, roll in the dirt, and relax outside of their stalls. The primary need for pasture right now is because two horses are "seniors" one 29 and one 30, and they would benefit from being in a pasture and not standing in a stall all day. More space would mean that they would have the freedom to move around, which is beneficial to their joints and general good health. Currently, the covered arena is used for turn-out. When horses are turned out, another location must be identified to provide lessons and schooling. It takes more effort to maintain the proper arena footing when it is used for turn-out because the horses run and roll, which displaces a lot of the footing. Shade over a portion of the pasture would also allow it to be a place for retired horses to live permanently, which would free up stalls for new therapy mounts.

How will the 50K be Used?

$ 5,500 Land clearing and construction labor
$ 7,000 Fencing and gates
$ 2,000 Building permits and fees
$ 3,000 Water lines and tanks
$ 30,000 Covering for shade
$ 2,500 Contingency

Budget Notes: The pasture will not be seeded for grass or watered. The intent of the space is to provide the therapy horses with an area for exercise and freedom of movement. It is not intended that there will be forage for the horses; they will be fed their routine meals including hay, pellets, and supplements.

1 comment:

  1. HHM Mr. Blondie says, "Thanks!" He has given a lesson at Camelot before, and hunts with one of the therapy horses.


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!