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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Goin' to the Dogs

The humans went to River Park in Burlington yesterday, ostensibly to see a pumpkin-toss. The trebuchets were interesting, the pumpkins were flying, and the children's fair was wonderful, but as I hear it the single biggest attraction was the teeming throng of leashed dogs. My humans departed the parking lot in a wagon, pulled by the lovely Ben (near) and Rocky (off), and arrived to the sight of a canine extravaganza. The stories they brought back compelled me to compose this little jingle, best sung to the tune of "Raindrops on Roses."

Three-legged boxers and splotchy gray schnoodles,
Wee mini dachshunds and tall standard poodles,
Happy French bulldogs with strange, screeching barks,
These are few of the dogs from the park.

Teeny chihuahuas on wee little leashes, 
Fat labradoodles with coats like sheep's fleeces,
Boisterous puppies with teeth like a shark's,
These are a few of the dogs at the park.

When I'm left home . . . when my peeps go . . . when I'm all alone, 
I ask them to note for me every dog, and they bring such tales back home! 

FarmWife went out and she took her whole family,
Every human abandoned and left me.
They rode in wagons with puppies galore, 
Pulled behind drafties to see even more . . . 

When they arrived they stepped out of the wagon,
There they found canines with long tails a-waggin', 
Spaniels and greyhounds and cute mongrel pups,
Great big lab-mixes and fat little pugs.

When I'm left home . . . when my peeps go . . . when I'm all alone, 
I ask them to note for me every dog, and they bring such tales back home! 


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