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Saturday, June 19, 2010

There, I Fixed It: Tack Edition

If there was a There, I Fixed It for the equestrian set, FarmWife would be a rising star. 
Witness, a homemade crupper of old bungee cords, billet guards, and assorted hardware salvage: 

A goat harness of old carseat seat belts and extra polo wraps: 

An English wintec saddle with western leather breeching, kluged together with old halter fragments providing D rings where there were none:
Of course, FarmWife's ingenuity is limited by the strength of her featherweight Singer when it comes to oversize sewing projects—for this reason, and for safety's sake, we'll be looking for a commercial beta harness when that time comes. 

It's not for lack of trying, FarmWife. You've done alright with the small stuff. 



  1. We already know that Farmwife is an industrious and clever woman. Is it possible that she might be left idle when The Gift Of The Decade becomes a reality?

  2. WOW - we are very impressed with her workmanship.

  3. Blue Page, never you worry. Dear FarmWife has the option of passing many happy hours fashioning me some custom harness pads, a monogrammed cooler, an embroidered dressage pad, and assorted knicknacks and doohickies. She will never run short of crafty opportunities so long as she has a big beast like me around! I have already asked her to make me a halloween costume.


    Buddy, thanks! Add up a potentially expensive hobby and a non-existant equipment budget, and ingenuity triumphs!


Thanks in Advance for Your Mulish Opinion!